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About Us

          We are an educational consultant offering services to help the students to achieve their goals by identifying the right choice of the educational institution. In this field university plays a vital role to make the student skilled and their success. Through our experience we are creating an opportunity to take a right decision and we believe that education advances everyone and everything.


          Maxxiz the leading global educational consultants based in Gujarat, now brings you the opportunity of pursuing your dreams in philippines. Become a doctor as you always dream of without the financial stress and hassles. Earn a quality endowed degree from a premier university in philippines and enhance your potential in comparably.

Our Vision

          It's imperative today that to sustain your organization and your goodwill in the market you are not only committed to better your quality with the minutest change in service sector but also flexible to try out new methodologies and tread the roads less walked upon taking into consideration the best you can do towerds making a significant change in a student's life.

          With our motto being continuously revising the education standards and putting our optimum to get the students what they deserve the best.   With our expertise in verious education related fields and overseas consultations, we have reached a conclusion that sound educational background combined with a will to fulfill all the commitments provides excellence. With it also comes the comfort of dealing with the market leader and also reaping the benifits of the same. From all this years of our dedicated efforts we have proved beyond doubt that if it's the question of the future of the student, we are ready to go that extra mile...

Our Aim, to help students, to become a good Doctor and serve Patients & Our Nation.


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